This is a list of all currently available MUI applications on Aminet, the biggest collection of freely distributable Amiga Software. Click on a file name to download a specific archive or click on the description string to get more detailed information.

Note to authors: If your archive is on AmiNet but not in this list, please include the word 'MUI' in the short description or file name of your next upload. Alternatively, mail your program's name to MUI's author.

This list is sorted by directory first, then by filename. The MUI application list is also available sorted by age to allow easy checking for new MUI applications.

  Name                Directory   Size  Description

  ABook_10upd.lha     biz/dbase   213K  Powerful address database (MUI)
  addiction0.8un.lha  biz/dbase    38K  MUI Software to manage your Magic TG card list
  Address.lha         biz/dbase    60K  Small, yet powerful address database (MUI)
  Albin_free.lha      biz/dbase    82K  **FREE** V1.09! Best Music Database (MUI)
  AM_Mui1.3.lha       biz/dbase    52K  A MUI application for managing addresses
  Calepin.lha         biz/dbase    58K  "Address' Tool" very simple MAJOR Update (uses MUI)
  carcosts.lha        biz/dbase   116K  A carcost database, using MUI, version 3.11
  easybase.lha        biz/dbase   146K  Beta version of a Powerful database using MUI
  fbase106.lha        biz/dbase    47K  Floppy Disk Contents Database. (Requires MUI).
  FotoBestellung.lha  biz/dbase    60K  Repeat ordering of photographies
  MagicAMIII_1.2.lha  biz/dbase   226K  German Address-Database with Locale/ARexx/MUI
  MUI-Leagues.lha     biz/dbase   335K  More leagues for MUI-Ligamaster
  MUI-Ligam-nolo.lha  biz/dbase     1K  MUI-Ligamaster Norwegian catal
  MUI-Ligamaster.lha  biz/dbase    61K  A database for sport leagues
  MUI-Season9899.lha  biz/dbase    23K  European leagues for the season 1998-99
  MUIL-1BL63-98.lha   biz/dbase    77K  Complete 1.Bundesliga (63-98) with dates
  MUIL-2BL74-98.lha   biz/dbase    87K  Complete 2.Bundesliga (74-98) with dates
  MUIL-RegL94-98.lha  biz/dbase    40K  Complete Regionalligen (94-98) with dates
  MUIVideo.lha        biz/dbase   107K  Video-Database-System (German only)
  MUIVideo_213.lha    biz/dbase   167K  Video-Database-System
  MUIVideo_232.lha    biz/dbase   220K  Video Database using Magic User Interface
  pphone22.lha        biz/dbase    39K  Handy phone/address book (uses MUI)
  RoutePlanner.lha    biz/dbase   398K  Highway trip planner 1.7 - Needs MUI 3.2
  Scatterbrain11.lha  biz/dbase    80K  MUI-based project & to do list organizer
  scdb_13d.lha        biz/dbase   133K  SCDB - a Sound Carrier DataBase
  Dig_Universe.lha    biz/demo    3.3M  Digital Universe demo 1.03, Astronomy s/w
  DopusJPEG11.lha     biz/dopus     2K  DOPUS5 JPEG Picture Convertor
  StormC_TWiMUIL.lha  biz/haage   307K  StormTWiMUI Library for StormC (Shareware)
  CompteBanc213.lha   biz/misc     30K  MUI accounting program v2.13 (french)
  EO230.lha           biz/misc    430K  Everyday Organiser 2.30 MUI
  HomeBank.lha        biz/misc     83K  V1.12 Account Manager (MUI) many options
  MUIBank1-62.lha     biz/misc    172K  Bank account manager (English & French).
  MUIEcon.lha         biz/misc     34K  Loan and investment calculator
  MuiRechnung227.lha  biz/misc    1.3M  Program to create invoices. Needs MUI
  MuiRechnungSrc.lha  biz/misc    319K  Source codes for MUI-Rechnung
  ws-mui33.lha        comm/amiex   11K  Boyer-M. async I/O /X search V3.3 MUI
  WS-MUI35.lha        comm/amiex   60K  MUI Search for aminet & /X filelists
  MovieTech.lha       comm/bbs      4K  MovieMUI access under TechnoBBS
  muita.lha           comm/bbs     16K  MUI TransAmiga Configurator (needs MUI)
  SkyChat.lha         comm/bbs     48K  Chatcall with many features & MUI (PMBS)
  usered13.lha        comm/bbs    110K  External MUI UserEditor V1.30 for FAME BBS
  CDUV094a.lha        comm/dlg     28K  MUI based CDROM Uploader for DLG BBS, Version V0.94a
  fREQ25.lha          comm/fido    16K  FidoNet filerequest manager. V2.5 MUI3
  gms_10.lha          comm/fido   125K  GMS Mailer v1.0 - Fidonet mailer system w/EMSI,Hydra,5D,MUI,FAX,VOICE
  mui-freq11.lha      comm/fido    28K  Full-featured FidoNet FileRequest utility. Needs MUI.
  MUIFFR12.lha        comm/fido   101K  GUI for selecting files of Fidonet boxes
  AmIRCMiami.lha      comm/irc      3K  Miami Amirc Launcher rexx script
  Ilona.lha           comm/irc     57K  Stand-alone bot for IRC, featuring MUI.
  AirMailPro31_1.lha  comm/mail   670K  Air Mail Pro v3.1 MUI release internet mailer
  AirMailPro31_2.lha  comm/mail   1.5M  Air Mail Pro v3.1 MUI Forms and Sounds
  bomb20.lha          comm/mail   309K  MUI Offline reader, (POP3/SMTP, QWK,...)
  CLMUIRequest2.lha   comm/mail    26K  Filelist Requester for Connectline&PMBS (German)
  CodeControl.lha     comm/mail    49K  MUIRexx GUI for UUxT/FSCode and Base64
  GetAddress.lha      comm/mail    15K  GUI interface between ELM and CED. Req. ss.library.
  MagicReader.lha     comm/mail   146K  Nice MUI offline reader
  MUIEmail.lha        comm/mail    39K  GUI frontend for email. Needs 2.04, MUI.
  OnlyMail.lha        comm/mail     5K  Miami & Voodoo Hand in Hand (V1.3)
  PEA.lha             comm/mail   196K  Courier service for YAM (MUI, German only)
  ReAddress.lha       comm/mail     4K  Converts AdMail aliases to YAM 1.3 form
  THORHandyRexx.lha   comm/mail     1K  Bunch of handy rexx scripts for Miami ;7
  YAM13_4.lha         comm/mail   512K  MUI Internet mailer V1.3.4
  yamexpansion.lha    comm/mail   135K  YamExpansion v1.9 expands YAM (eng/ita) -MUI-
  yamexpDEU.lha       comm/mail   119K  YamExpansion v1.9 expands YAM (ONLY deu) -MUI-
  YamToolsDK.lha      comm/mail   147K  Danish YamTools v2.0 needs MuiRexx3.0a
  YamToolsEN.lha      comm/mail   146K  English YamTools v2.0 needs MuiRexx3.0a
  zmime1_5.lha        comm/mail    37K  Parse/create MIME messages. Localized, MUI-based.
  amm-0.32.lha        comm/misc   113K  Powerful ADT Index Parser (MUI optional)
  AmNet12b.lha        comm/misc    86K  MAJOR FIXES! Unrestricted Internet Organiser.  Needs MUI.
  ANetGUI.lha         comm/misc    72K  Allows browsin'thru Aminet off-line. MUI
  CallMan13.lha       comm/misc   204K  MUI Phone dialer, cost calculator & address database. 1.3
  cibils200.lha       comm/misc    30K  MUI Amateur Radio utility v2.00
  CrashCheck.lha      comm/misc    13K  1.0 - Fixes up Miami logs after crash
  DoorStatus.lha      comm/misc    21K  MUI IceBBS Doors for showing User Stats
  DoSoundv2_8.lha     comm/misc   163K  Muirexx Point and Click wav player for AMIRC and WB
  isdn20cats.lha      comm/misc    23K  Catalogs for ISDN - Statemon (MUI)
  isdnmon10.lha       comm/misc    26K  New ISDN - Statemon - Clone (MUI)
  isdnmon117.lha      comm/misc    44K  New ISDN - Statemon - Clone (MUI)
  isdnmon20.lha       comm/misc    61K  New ISDN - Statemon (MUI)
  isdnmon21.lha       comm/misc    79K  New ISDN - Statemon (MUI)
  itime10.lha         comm/misc    43K  Little Clock/InternetTimer (MUI)
  LoginTasks.lha      comm/misc    36K  (MultiUser-)Login to a task with MUI!
  MIAMIlog.lha        comm/misc     6K  Loggs the Online Time from unreg.MIAMI (german)
  MiamiLog.lha        comm/misc    15K  Nice&simple Miami phone log parser w/src
  MiamiLog2.lha       comm/misc    16K  Nice&simple Miami phone log parser w/src
  MiamiLog3.lha       comm/misc    16K  Nice&simple Miami phone log parser w/src
  MiamiPM10.lha       comm/misc     5K  Miami (reg) paketmonitor
  MiamiPM11.lha       comm/misc     5K  Miami (reg) packetmonitor, bugfixed.
  mima-2.1.lha        comm/misc   430K  MirrorManager for Aminet downloads, MUI support
  MirrorMan.lha       comm/misc   339K  Manages Aminet downloads, supports MUI
  onlinemiami.lha     comm/misc     3K  OnlineMiami v1.2 Arexx scripts
  PCall175.lha        comm/misc    67K  Phonebook with dial-function. (needs MUI) V1.75
  PhoneCall22.lha     comm/misc   153K  Phonebook with dial-function. (needs MUI) V2.2
  pw_recen.lha        comm/misc    14K  Interactive program for INDEX file (MUI)
  RecentScript.lha    comm/misc    67K  Scripts from AmiNetIndex w. MUIRexx V1.7
  ScriptFTP.lha       comm/misc    50K  Make scripts of recent (aminet) Major Update, MUI
  TC_Miami.lha        comm/misc     5K  Automatically controls TimeConnect with Miami
  TimeConnect.lha     comm/misc   174K  Phone Call coster/logger with MUI
  MM_SndFile_DMK.lha  comm/mmgr     2K  0.1d: Workaround for MUI v3 bug (topaz/4)
  AmiComSysMUI.lha    comm/net    203K  V1.19f Personal Communicator (MUI) Needs AMarquee.lib
  AmiMUDPrefs14.lha   comm/net     22K  Version 1.4 of the MUI Preferences editor for AmiMUD.
  AmiPhoneMiami.lha   comm/net      5K  Miami compatible installer for AmiPhone
  CatFrench.lha       comm/net    210K  French catalogs from Miami, Yam2.0,...
  EnvoyEmpire.lha     comm/net    154K  MUI multiple player strategy game for Envoy
  MiamiPT.lha         comm/net      2K  Miami distribution for Portuguese ISPs
  Miami_Portugal.lha  comm/net      4K  Miami settings for Portuguese users
  OffLine.lzh         comm/net      1K  Send Offline signal to
  OnlineCon.lzh       comm/net      2K  Show Reg. Miami Online time & phone no. in window
  OnlineCon1.2.lzh    comm/net      1K  Show Reg. Miami Online time & phone no. in window
  PassiveOffLine.lzh  comm/net      1K  Send PassiveOffline signal to
  WebPlug_FR.lha      comm/net      6K  French Catalog for webplug V1.4
  webplug_ger.lha     comm/net      8K  German Catalog for webplug V1.45
  mNews1.4b_rel3.lha  comm/news   140K  MUI news group reader for TCP/IP. V1.4b Release 3
  AmFinger1.5.lha     comm/tcp     53K  MUI GUI Finger Client (1.5)
  AmFTP175.lha        comm/tcp    296K  AmFTP - ftp/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client, uses MUI
  AmiMsgWin.lha       comm/tcp     47K  MUI AmiMessageWin system for AmiTCP V2.x
  AmiSlateMiami.lha   comm/tcp      5K  Miami compatible installer for AmiSlate
  amphone19.lha       comm/tcp     10K  Use "" to calculate Internet time connection.
  amphone191.lha      comm/tcp     10K  Use "" to calculate Internet time connection.
  AmTelnet13.lha      comm/tcp    144K  AmTelnet - Telnet Client (ANSI/VT100/TTY), uses MUI
  autoconn.lha        comm/tcp      8K  Auto Connect scripts for Miami
  finger.lha          comm/tcp      1K  Finger script for AmIRC and Miami
  hpy.lha             comm/tcp     21K  Automatic offline with Miami v1.4
  httpproxy-0_14.lha  comm/tcp    277K  Caching Proxy for AmiTCP/Miami/INet
  Jungle.lha          comm/tcp      2K  MIAMI script for use with the ISDN-Blaster and T-Online
  mFinger12.lha       comm/tcp     92K  Fully featured finger client (MUI)
  mftp1_34.lha        comm/tcp    124K  Mftp 1.34, ftp client which uses MUI
  Miami+GerNet.lha    comm/tcp      1K  Dialup-Script for Miami and, a german Internet-Provider
  Miami-Netsurf.lha   comm/tcp      1K  Miami ISDN Settings for Netsurf Germany
  Miami2-Netsurf.lha  comm/tcp      1K  Dialup-Script for Miami2.0 and Netsurf, a german Internet-Provider
  Miami21aeval.lha    comm/tcp    187K  Internet TCP/IP stack (demo binary)
  Miami21areg000.lha  comm/tcp    207K  Internet TCP/IP stack (reg. 000 binary)
  Miami21areg020.lha  comm/tcp    206K  Internet TCP/IP stack (reg. 020 binary)
  Miami21deu.lha      comm/tcp     92K  German locale for Miami 2.1
  Miami21feval.lha    comm/tcp    187K  Internet TCP/IP stack (demo binary)
  Miami3.0_Fr.lha     comm/tcp     10K  French catalog for Miami 3.0a (H. Kruse)
  Miami30-000.lha     comm/tcp    194K  Internet TCP/IP stack (68000/010 binary)
  Miami30-020.lha     comm/tcp    193K  Internet TCP/IP stack (68020-060 binary)
  Miami30d-000.lha    comm/tcp    195K  Internet TCP/IP stack (68000/010 binary)
  Miami30d-020.lha    comm/tcp    194K  Internet TCP/IP stack (68020-060 binary)
  Miami30d-GTL.lha    comm/tcp    102K  Internet TCP/IP stack (GTLayout module)
  Miami30d-main.lha   comm/tcp    475K  Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
  Miami30d-MUI.lha    comm/tcp     79K  Internet TCP/IP stack (MUI module)
  Miami30GTL.lha      comm/tcp    102K  Internet TCP/IP stack (GTLayout module)
  Miami30main.lha     comm/tcp    474K  Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
  Miami30MUI.lha      comm/tcp     79K  Internet TCP/IP stack (MUI module)
  MiamiFrenchCat.lha  comm/tcp      9K  French catalog for Miami V2.1 from Holger Kruse
  MiamiHandyRexx.lha  comm/tcp      3K  Bunch of handy rexx scripts for Miami ;7
  MIAMILog.lha        comm/tcp      1K  Lists, how long an when you were Online
  MiamiMonDK12.lha    comm/tcp      1K  Edited danish catalog for MiamiMonitor 1.2
  MiamiMonitor-F.lha  comm/tcp      3K  French catalog for MiamiMonitor 1.2
  MiamiMonitor12.lha  comm/tcp     13K  Packet monitor for Miami 2.0 (regged)
  MiamiMonitorFR.lha  comm/tcp      1K  French catalog for MiamiMonitor V1.2 from Troels Walsted Hansen
  MiamiMonitorIt.lha  comm/tcp      4K  Italian Catalog for MiamiMonitor 1.2
  MiamiMonNL12.lha    comm/tcp      1K  Dutch catalog for MiamiMonitor 1.2
  MiamiSSL11.lha      comm/tcp     46K  SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Miami
  MiSpeedMeter.lha    comm/tcp     18K  V1.5 of cps counter for Miami 2.0+ (registered)
  MUIAdt.lha          comm/tcp     43K  Aminet frontend for MUI/AmiTCP, v1.3
  NetScripts.lha      comm/tcp      7K  Scripts which help improve the interaction between Miami,Ibrowse,YAM and 
  Nothello.lha        comm/tcp     47K  Networked Othello req. MUI, AmiTCP/AS225
  Poppy.lha           comm/tcp     26K  Flexible Pop3 client (AmiTCP/Miami) V0.9
  QuitMiamiRT.lha     comm/tcp      1K  Miami exiting ARexx macro
  resolve.lha         comm/tcp      1K  Resolve script for AmIRC and Miami
  Tallahassee.lha     comm/tcp    162K  Tallahassee, Internet Utilities GUI for Miami
  TogMi11.lha         comm/tcp     33K  Miami autoiconify dial up/down script
  trace.lha           comm/tcp      1K  Trace script for AmIRC and Miami
  WebTV11.lha         comm/tcp     77K  The ultimate webcam viewer (MUI)
  AmTerm11.lha        comm/term   130K  AmTerm - Fast ANSI/VT100/TTY terminal, uses MUI
  MHydra19.lha        comm/term    59K  The best HydraCom for Amiga w. MUI!
  MUI-HydraCom.lha    comm/term    62K  Hydracom MUI 1.11
  AutoSend.lha        comm/thor    13K  Autosend Thor Events via MIAMI (V2.1)
  ibook101.lha        comm/ums     13K  IntuiBook 1.01 - Adress book editor for IntuiNews - Need MUI
  IntuiNews1_4a.lha   comm/ums    183K  MUI-based Messagereader for UMS
  pint.lha            comm/ums    205K  *THE* Reader for UMS, v2.1 (MUI)
  UMSMapsTool1_4.lha  comm/ums     42K  MapsTool for the german Z-Netz. uses MUI.
  UMSXChange.lha      comm/ums      6K  Exchange Mails/News via Miami
  Butterfly11.lha     comm/www     23K  A tiny mailer for www browsers, 1.1 (MUI).
  geotools.lha        comm/www     85K  Great Geocities www-pages manager (MUI 3.x)
  webPlugv14.lha      comm/www    219K  HTML editor v1.4
  webplug_ib.lha      comm/www      2K  WebPlug's browserlink for IBrowse 1.12+
  xfilemui.lha        comm/xeno    28K  The ULTIMATE file control program for Xeno, version 2.7.
  tsb_mui.lha         demo/40k     15K  The Special Brothers present Master Utilities intr
  Am_Mui10.lha        dev/amos     65K  Use MUI from AMOSPro
  bb2muiex01.lha      dev/basic     1K  A Blitz2 simple MUI example for beginners.
  DoMethodBBLib.lha   dev/basic     9K  A library for bb2 to use DT and MUI! V1.1
  EFMUILibSrc.lha     dev/basic    36K  EFMUILib sources
  Zbb2ShowHide-T.lha  dev/basic     2K  MUI Show/Hide example, rewritten using Blitz2 TagLists
  ZShowHideTL.lha     dev/basic     2K  MUI Show/Hide example, rewritten using Blitz2 TagLists
  ExtractBody372.lha  dev/c         4K  Extracts ILBM/BODY to c source for MUI programmers
  LEDAPrefs.lha       dev/c         9K  Prefs Editor for LEDA GUI. MUI Application.
  MBEDeveloper10.lha  dev/c        16K  MUI-Brush Expander, developer files
  MMS1_0.lha          dev/debug    16K  MUI MemSnap, diffs memory situations
  2b_Brush2E.lha      dev/e         5K  Changes large brushes to E src for MUI (better)
  bspline10.lha       dev/e        11K  B-Splines editor using MUI. Source in E.
  icongads.lha        dev/e        13K  E source for .info files as gadtools buttons AND EASY Windows/MUI-a-like gadg
  Mac2E_v40.lha       dev/e       114K  Allows macro using in E (MUI example)
  mui36dev-E.lha      dev/e       107K  MUI 3.6 AmigaE-developerfiles
  muisupport.lha      dev/e         1K  Two small support procs for E & MUI.
  qItemAddress.lha    dev/e         4K  E module; case-sensitive menu hotkeys
  Dope.lha            dev/gui      13K  Set DCCOPTS (Needs MUI)
  KMDDT.lha           dev/gui      15K  Kai's MUI Development & Debug Tools
  MIGC1_39.lha        dev/gui      30K  BOOPSO image handler for MUI
  mui-c-mode.lha      dev/gui       8K  Emacs mode for C w/MUI
  MUI-Covers.lha      dev/gui     336K  Cover for MUI 3.1 autodocs (Postscript)
  MUI31Autodocs.lha   dev/gui     263K  Dvi-file for the MUI3.1 Autodocs
  mui31_MaxonC++.lha  dev/gui      25K  MaxonC++ pragmas for MagicUserInterface V3.1
  muilist374.lha      dev/gui      23K  Graphical typing aid for programming MUI
  MUInt_dev_v1.lha    dev/gui     271K  MUInt/DOSReqTools Dev. package
  MUInt_prgs_1.lha    dev/gui     169K  2 MUInt programs, DJPEG, CJPEG GUIs
  MUInt_prgs_2.lha    dev/gui     161K  6 MUInt programs
  MUInt_prgs_3.lha    dev/gui     182K  New Figlet Port. 108 fonts w/MUInt GUI
  MUInt_prgs_4.lha    dev/gui     128K  9 MUInt programs
  PageGadget.lha      dev/gui      59K  BOOPSI custom class of pages like MUI/BGUI etc
  pagegadget.lha      dev/gui      33K  BOOPSI custom class of pages like MUI/BGUI etc
  TextWin.lha         dev/gui      20K  Open a MUI text window from DOS script
  amiga_ada.lha       dev/lang    1.0M  Amiga specific ADA files and MUI code generator
  m2Prefs.lha         dev/m2       28K  MUI preferences editors for M2Amiga
  Address.lha         dev/misc     50K  A program to read computer address
  ADocReader0.2.lha   dev/misc     67K  AutoDoc Reader with MUI. Copy, XRefs...
  Atlantis11.lha      dev/misc    192K  THE game level editor. MUI. OS 2.04+.
  Note_Color.lha      dev/misc     20K  MUI utility, highlights source code notes.
  SP-ProjectMan.lha   dev/misc    128K  Multi-projects manager. V1.02  (MUI)
  TransCat101.lha     dev/misc     38K  MUI Editor Catalog (.cd .ct)
  Updater.lha         dev/misc    100K  MUI translation files modifier
  Address.lha         dev/moni     50K  A program to read computer address
  bcc.lha             dev/mui      66K  BCC v3.5 to best solution for MUI/BOOPSI
  bZ_MUI-HotHelp.lha  dev/mui     230K  MUI 3.8 developer docs in HotHelp format
  CreateTemplate.lha  dev/mui      17K  Creates MUI program templates.
  gcc_mcc10.lha       dev/mui      56K  Make MCC/MCP/LIB for MUI with GCC
  GenCodeC.lha        dev/mui     108K  C-Generator (v2.2g) for MUIBuilder
  GenCodeC2.2f.lha    dev/mui     111K  C-Generator (v2.2f) for MUIBuilder
  GenCodeE_v24.lha    dev/mui      60K  E code generation module for MUIBuilder v2.2
  GenCodeM2.lha       dev/mui      58K  M2 code generation module for MUIBuilder v2.1
  hh_mui.lha          dev/mui     197K  MUI36-Autodocs converted in a Hothelp-Project
  I-H8-GT.lha         dev/mui      88K  Request to ALL utility coders!
  MCC-Install.lha     dev/mui      73K  Universal MUI custom class installer script
  MCCIcon_1_1.lha     dev/mui      23K  MUI public custom Icon class 
  MCCLib.lha          dev/mui      26K  Library initialisation code for MCCs
  MCC_BBalance.lha    dev/mui      61K  BetterBalance MUI Custom Class
  MCC_BetterBala.lha  dev/mui      61K  BetterBalance MUI Custom Class
  MCC_Busy2_4.lha     dev/mui      41K  Busy display bar, reg. MUI-Class
  MCC_Date.lha        dev/mui     119K  MUI custom class V12.1
  MCC_DateString.lha  dev/mui     163K  MUI custom class V12.3
  MCC_DateText.lha    dev/mui     155K  MUI custom class V12.0
  MCC_HexEdit.lha     dev/mui      49K  MCC to show/edit memory area as hex-dump
  MCC_HTMLtext.lha    dev/mui     182K  HTML text display custom class (MUI)
  MCC_ImageButto.lha  dev/mui      61K  ImageButton MUI custom class
  MCC_ImgButton.lha   dev/mui      69K  ImageButton MUI Custom Class
  MCC_Lamp.lha        dev/mui      69K  Lamp MUI custom class (Version 11.1)
  MCC_LayGroup.lha    dev/mui      15K  Automatic object layout within a group
  MCC_Mailtext.lha    dev/mui     313K  Custom Class for Messagetexts (v3.1)
  MCC_MathString.lha  dev/mui      59K  The string gadget with a PhD in Mathematics, MUI Custom Class
  MCC_MimeEditor.lha  dev/mui      79K  MUI custom class for editing MIME files
  MCC_MonthNavi.lha   dev/mui     213K  MUI custom class V16.5
  MCC_NList0.85.lha   dev/mui     179K  MUI List clone with horiz scroll and much more...
  MCC_SetWin0_40.lha  dev/mui      35K  SettingsWindow MUI custom class
  MCC_TableGroup.lha  dev/mui      30K  Extern class for MUI that allows advanced table like layout
  MCC_TextEditor.lha  dev/mui     204K  Texteditor custom class for MUI
  MCC_Time.lha        dev/mui     112K  MUI custom class V12.5
  MCC_TimeString.lha  dev/mui     158K  MUI custom class V12.5
  MCC_TimeText.lha    dev/mui     156K  MUI custom class V12.1
  MCC_Tron0_8.lha     dev/mui      33K  MUICustomClass example, MCCReg info
  MUI-HotHelp.lha     dev/mui     198K  MUI 3.8 docs in HotHelp format (V1.1)
  Mui-Kniffel.lha     dev/mui      17K  Kniffel/Yazzee Game (German)
  MUI2C.lha           dev/mui      44K  MUI Custom Class authoring tool
  mui33esp.lha        dev/mui       6K  Spanish Catalog (Locale) for MUI 3.3
  mui33fr.lha         dev/mui       7K  French translation for MUI (Rel. 1)
  mui33gr.lha         dev/mui      15K  Greek catalog files for MUI 3.3
  mui36loc.lha        dev/mui      99K  12 translations for MUI 3.6 (4th edition)
  mui37mod.lha        dev/mui     147K  Modula-2 interfaces and demos for MUI 3.7 (also for Cyclone)
  mui38dev-bb2.lha    dev/mui     204K  MUI Developer package for Blitz Basic 2
  mui38dev-E.lha      dev/mui     105K  MUI 3.8 AmigaE-developerfiles
  mui38dev.lha        dev/mui     319K  MagicUserInterface 3.8, developer files
  MUIBug10.lha        dev/mui       3K  Some bugs of MUI
  MUIBuilder22.lha    dev/mui     750K  MUI Interface builder
  MUIBuilder22b.lha   dev/mui     315K  This is the official 2.2b update of MUIBuilder (680x0 versions)
  MUIB_ASMGen11.lha   dev/mui      26K  ASMGenerator V1.1 for MUIBuilder V2.0/2.1
  MuiCluster.lha      dev/mui      66K  MUI Interface for Cluster
  MUIExtend.lha       dev/mui      30K  MUIExtend.library V1.1
  MUIPlusPlus.lha     dev/mui      85K  C++ wrapper classes for MUI 3.8
  MUIRexx_3_0a.lha    dev/mui     336K  Develop MUI apps/GUIs with ARexx
  muistubs.lha        dev/mui       1K  Stubs linker library for MUI tagcalls
  MUIUndoc18.lha      dev/mui      26K  Some undocumented features of MUI
  mui_htmlhelp.lha    dev/mui     288K  Stephen's unofficial MUI developers web site
  OOPExample.lha      dev/mui      25K  OOP and MUI?! No problem!
  BackMan.lha         disk/bakup  276K  The backup system v1.4 (OS3+ MUI3.3+ XPK muFS)
  DBackup242_MUI.lha  disk/bakup   64K  Backup-program to autostore changed files
  VBackup016.lha      disk/bakup    4K  Make backups on videotapes (needs MUI)
  ACDPlay_16.lha      disk/cdrom  104K  Fontsensitive non-MUI SCSI CDDA player
  CDCat22.lha         disk/cdrom  296K  (Aminet-)CDROM cataloger (MUI/Locale/XPK)
  CDP_0_771.lha       disk/cdrom   63K  A SCSI-II CD-Player (needs MUI)
  DockCDX.lha         disk/cdrom    3K  ToolManager XetecCDFS CD remote dock
  muicd.lha           disk/cdrom  170K  CDDA player for CD32/ATAPI/SCSI drives
  MUICD_Disks.lha     disk/cdrom  128K  Collection of ]1000 CDs for MUICD
  muicd_fr.lha        disk/cdrom    5K  French catalogs for muicdplayer from Piotr Pawlow
  optycdpl.lha        disk/cdrom  533K  V1.8 MUI CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler
  OptyCDPlay.lha      disk/cdrom  1.1M  (Full) V2.1 MUI CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler
  OptyCDPlay_DB.lha   disk/cdrom  1.2M  (Disks) V2.1 MUI CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler
  OptyCDPlay_Upd.lha  disk/cdrom  491K  (Update) V2.1 MUI CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler
  SkandalfoCDP.lha    disk/cdrom  180K  MUI CD Player V1.7 (w/ARexx port & lyrics).
  2b_RDBArc15MUI.lha  disk/misc    64K  Simpliest way to backup your HD's RDB
  AFSUndele1.6.lha    disk/misc    50K  Undelete files on AFS partitions V1.6(MUI)
  DUD.lha             disk/misc    67K  Shows block usage of dirs with MUI,V1.1
  Scsi_ListV1.5.lha   disk/misc   125K  Shows data on SCSI devices (via MUI GUI)
  EFMUILIBger.lha     docs/hyper   22K  German Guide for MUI Developer package from Erwan Fouret
  JGPreview.lha       docs/mags   447K  New System Zine for Polish sceners, MUI
  DigitalUnivers.txt  docs/rview   11K  REVIEW: The Digital Universe
  abacus220.lha       game/board   47K  Board game like Abalone, V2.20 (MUI)
  MUIBackgammon.lha   game/board  174K  MUI based backgammon game w/source.
  Cheater22.lha       game/hint    77K  Get unlimited lifes/money (MUI/localized)
  UFO-Cheat.lha       game/hint    13K  Botches UFO-Savefiles (adds money...), needs MUI
  ADooMUI10.lha       game/misc    59K  New MUI GUI for ADoom - v1.0
  Gui4Doom_MUI.lha    game/misc    46K  Easy GUI for ALL Dooms!
  MUILoto.lha         game/misc    28K  A loto proggy (V02.05)
  MuiPingPong.lha     game/misc    21K  A fixed version of pingpong with MUI
  psb.lha             game/misc    88K  Power Signal Box Simulation Beta V0.026
  SteelFortress.lha   game/misc   168K  Castle-RISK clone, V3.0, needs MUI3
  SteelFortress3.lha  game/misc   168K  Castle-RISK clone, V3.0, needs MUI3
  SWOSEd.lha          game/patch  171K  V1.81. Team editor for SWOS. (MUI)
  amberche.lha        game/role   111K  Edit your own characters in Ambermoon. V1.1 MUI
  Mipric_Basic.lha    game/role   479K  Mipric+Infocom interpr. v3.17 MUI opt.
  FinalDemineur2.lha  game/think   53K  Another 'Mines' game, nice, French docs, MUI
  lightsoff110.lha    game/think   29K  MUI based brainboggling game
  MUIEmpire.lha       game/think   98K  MUI multiple player strategy game
  MUIMastermind.lha   game/think   31K  Mastermind Game, 1.9, MUI, incl. Source
  muipuzzle.lha       game/think   15K  A small puzzle game with MUI (update)
  MUIReversi.lha      game/think  167K  MUI-based Reversi (Othello) V1.100
  soliton170.lha      game/think  264K  Solitaire card game, V1.70 (MUI)
  Twister038b.lha     game/think   30K  The Ultimate Rubik's Cube program. (MUI)
  X-Wins.lha          game/think   61K  MUI based "4-in-a-row" game V2.4
  DPoker_v1.0b.lha    game/wb      33K  GREAT WB+MUI poker (straight-bug fixed)
  Mui-Kniffel.lha     game/wb      18K  Kniffel/Yazzee Game (German)
  mui_game.lha        game/wb      75K  A workbench game as MUI-application.
  Font4D.lha          gfx/3d      272K  PreRelease of a MUI-PovRay Animator using Fonts
  FrontRay3_12.lha    gfx/3d       53K  FrontRay3 V1.2 (MUI Interface for POVRay3.0)
  Plotter3D.lha       gfx/3d      567K  Plots 3D-datas with shading etc.-MUI
  RefMan.lha          gfx/3d       25K  New Manager for Reflections (MUI)
  CGXPrefs.lha        gfx/board    37K  PrefsPrg for CGX3 vars & tooltypes(MUI)
  MUICyber102.lha     gfx/board    16K  ENV: Preferences Editor For CyberGraphX V3.
  gplot.lha           gfx/conv    147K  CGM to PS convertor
  picfx.lha           gfx/edit     84K  Excellent CARDWARE image deformer (MUI)
  xfig15.lha          gfx/edit    359K  Xfig v1.15 - a structured drawing tool. 020+ & MUI
  xfig_docs.lha       gfx/edit    268K  Xfig - a structured drawing tool. 020+ & MUI
  xfig_support.lha    gfx/edit    198K  Xfig v1.6 - a structured drawing tool. 020+ & MUI (demo)
  xv219.lha           gfx/edit    478K  Xv - Image processing AGA/OS3.0 recommended (68020+ & MUI)
  AdProStarter.lha    gfx/misc     20K  AdPro-Starter needs MUI!
  DocMa_1.6.lha       gfx/misc    258K  (C)GFX Filer, Asl replacement (MUI)
  MagicSelV1_80.lha   gfx/misc    500K  WBPrn & Snd at Boot, Now Freeware!(MUI)
  PicView2.lha        gfx/misc    209K  PicView 2.04 Picture Cataloger (OS3+ & MUI3+)
  ProRen.lha          gfx/misc    122K  Manager for ya animframes, bugfix (MUI)
  proren.lha          gfx/misc    137K  New langs for ya animframe-manager (MUI)
  proren_pl.lha       gfx/misc     37K  New langs for ya animframe-manager (MUI)
  ScaleIcon.lha       gfx/misc     27K  Scale workbench icons. MUI application.
  videotitler21.lha   gfx/misc    270K  V2.1, soft scroll, MUI, AGA, Video, Anims
  MUIXAnim10.lha      gfx/show     20K  A Graphic User Interface to use with XAnim  
  pcdaga_mui.lha      gfx/show     15K  MUI-Frontend for the Programm PhotoCDAGA Vers. 1.4 
  PlayFKiss2_06.lha   gfx/show    227K  Kisekae player,/w/ KISSGS/FKISS. MUI required.
  ShowIconMUI11.lha   gfx/show      5K  A simple icon viewer (MUI Version)....
  xanimwin003.lha     gfx/show     34K  MUI based GUI for XAnim
  OsziV1_0.lha        hard/drivr   31K  Mui Oszilloskop V1.1 for Conrad uMeter 4, German
  Amiglobe099src.lha  misc/edu    115K  Geographical Atlas using MUI (sources)
  Amiglobe1of2.lha    misc/edu    569K  Geographical atlas using MUI V0.993. FPU version included
  Amiglobe2of2.lha    misc/edu    759K  Geographical atlas using MUI (part 2)
  calc_trainer.lha    misc/edu     72K  The best Calculation-Trainer needs MUI!
  ConjEsp.lha         misc/edu    532K  Conjugates spanish verbs + translations (MUI)
  ConjPor.lha         misc/edu     46K  Conjugates portuguese and brazil verbs (MUI)
  DITO.lha            misc/edu    363K  MUI Vocabulary, Dictionary & Language System (Dirk Holtwick)
  DITO41.lha          misc/edu    388K  MUI Vocabulary System/ Dictionary (Dirk Holtwick)
  DITOdev.lha         misc/edu    123K  Developer Archive for DITO (MUI)
  DITOenglish.lha     misc/edu    228K  English Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITOicelandic.lha   misc/edu     16K  Icelandic Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITOitalian.lha     misc/edu     40K  Italian Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITOlatin.lha       misc/edu     89K  Latin Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITOleo_misc.lha    misc/edu    487K  English Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_English.lha    misc/edu    239K  English Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_Espanol.lha    misc/edu    247K  Spanish Vocabularies for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_fastdict.lha   misc/edu    285K  MUI Dictionary System (Dirk Holtwick)
  DITO_icelandic.lha  misc/edu     10K  Icelandic-German Dictionary for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_leo_big.lha    misc/edu    1.4M  Big English-German Dictionary for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_leo_misc.lha   misc/edu    484K  Misc English-German Dictionaries for DITO (MUI)
  DITO_Spanish.lha    misc/edu    3.5M  Spanish and LA Dictionary - 150000 words (MUI)
  mui_fillin_10.lha   misc/edu     20K  MUI based Fill-in-forms by Dirk Holtwick
  Vokabi2.lha         misc/edu    147K  The NEW Vocabulary Trainer Update! (needs MUI)
  AmiRom64.lha        misc/emu     12K  Tool to handle N64 roms V1.0 (Needs MUI)
  CPCConv_v1.02.lha   misc/emu     14K  Amstrad CPC emulator disk image format convertor
  CPCD2DSK.lha        misc/emu      8K  EmuCPC .CPCD to .DSK format convertor
  dsk2cpc10.lha       misc/emu      8K  ACPC-]AMICPC disk image convertor
  convcalc.lha        misc/math    27K  MUI calc with unit conversion
  convertor.lha       misc/math   131K  Powerful UnitConverter. V2.77
  EqEd.lha            misc/math   397K  MUI-based Equation Editor v0.97-Beta
  FalconMath10.lha    misc/math    57K  MUI based algebra manipulation package
  IntuiCalcMUI11.lha  misc/math    18K  A simple Workbench calculator, needs MUI
  MathScript32.lha    misc/math   411K  WYSIWYG Equation Editor V3.2 (MUI)
  mathx131b.lha       misc/math   345K  Math program V1.31b, MUI
  MCalc17.lha         misc/math   100K  Powerful calculator - Needs MUI
  sinemaker.lha       misc/math    42K  Makes binary sine tables, MUI 
  AquaSim1_0.lha      misc/sci    281K  3D Aquarium Simulator (Uses MUI2.0). Check it! 
  CDB_106.lha         misc/sci    179K  IDEA TEAM - Chemistry Database V1.06 (localized)
  circuit.lha         misc/sci     67K  Free logic circuit simulator using MUI
  DAlmanac_Data.lha   misc/sci    10.5M  Datas (39.11) for Digital Almanac 39.22+
  DAlmanac_Exe.lha    misc/sci    426K  Great Astronomical Program (39.22)
  DAlmanac_Extra.lha  misc/sci    12.1M  Extra Database for Digital Almanac 39.22+
  GraviSimu11.lha     misc/sci     76K  Excellent Gravity Simulation Package with MUI
  NomenEstOmen.lha    misc/sci    132K  Chemistry: Edit + Nomenclature of molecules
  PSB_111.lha         misc/sci     35K  IDEA TEAM - Prosite Browser V1.11 (now localized)
  Quine1_0.lha        misc/sci     11K  Quine McCluskey function resolver (MUI)
  xmgr24c.lha         misc/sci    413K  ACE/gr graphics for exploratory data analysis 020+MUI
  xmgr24_docs.lha     misc/sci    228K  Docs for ACE/gr graphics for exploratory data analysis 020+MUI
  xmgr24_example.lha  misc/sci    275K  Examples for ACE/gr graphics for exploratory data analysis 020+MUI
  xmgr25e_020.lha     misc/sci    433K  ACE/gr graphics for exploratory data analysis 020+MUI
  xmgr25e_040.lha     misc/sci    418K  ACE/gr graphics for exploratory data analysis 040+MUI
  miami-conga.lha     mods/mark    38K  Mark Salud's dance music module
  BokopOuMuile.lha    mods/med     94K  An enjoyable hardcore piece of music
  AMPlus01.lha        mods/smpl   588K  Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMusic v2.3 (Archive 1)
  AMPlus02.lha        mods/smpl   567K  Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMusic v2.3 (Archive 2)
  AMPlus03.lha        mods/smpl   577K  Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMusic v2.3 (Archive 2)
  ParaMiAmiga.lha     mods/smpl   734K  ADPCM 'Para Mi Amiga' by David Pleasance
  Multisample.lha     mus/edit     27K  Amiga/ST/PC sound sample convertor
  05rw-base.lha       mus/midi     77K  Manager for KORG 05R/W. V1.0 (MUI)
  apache.lha          mus/midi     50K  A PlugIn based patch editor (MUI)
  gmplaymui12.lha     mus/midi     14K  MUI frontend for GMPlay V1.2(Stipey)
  midit.lha           mus/midi     98K  OctaMED -] MID/SMF converter v2.8b (MUI)
  mksys.lha           mus/midi     38K  DX7 & K4 all-dump convertor (bin,src,rexx,example)
  MrMIDI.lha          mus/midi     69K  GUI frontend for GMPlay using MUIRexx
  NoteOn.lha          mus/midi     26K  Midi Keyboard Emulator (MUI)
  rolandjv1080.lha    mus/midi     79K  Patch editor for the Roland JV-1080 (MUI)
  rolandjv80.lha      mus/midi     54K  Patch editor for the Roland JV-80 (MUI)
  AlgoMusic2_3.lha    mus/misc    1.2M  Composes & plays great algorithmic music
  AlgoMusic2_3u.lha   mus/misc    175K  Needs installed AlgoMusic V2.0+
  AlgoMusic2_4.lha    mus/misc    1.2M  Composes & plays great algorithmic music
  AlgoMusic2_4u.lha   mus/misc    175K  Needs installed AlgoMusic V2.0+
  EasyEncode.lha      mus/misc     22K  GUI for audiompeg-encoder mp2/mp3 - MUI
  MUIGMPlay10a.lha    mus/misc      8K  GuRUMEd MUI_GMPlay 1.0a for GMPlay 1.3
  MuiHdr10.lha        mus/misc     31K  MUI AHI Hard Disk Recorder
  musiker_aw.lha      mus/misc    306K  Composes music V1.32, MUI V3.3 required
  coolmod.lha         mus/play     26K  A multiformat MUI module player.
  DMODP35b.lha        mus/play    449K  D.A.S.ModulePlayer 3.5b. (MUI app)
  DoSoundv2_71.lha    mus/play    151K  Muirexx Point and Click wav player for AMIRC and WB
  MrMPEG.lha          mus/play     62K  GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx.
  MUIPreset.lha       pix/back    349K  Mui settingfile & background brushes.
  16ColDockBrush.lha  pix/icon     64K  ToolManager/AmiDock icons
  64ColorIconsV1.lha  pix/icon    401K  Icons+ToolManager-Brushes in 64 Colors
  8colTMbr.lha        pix/icon      8K  4 New 8 color brushes for Toolmanager and likewise.
  AnimBrushes.lha     pix/icon     35K  23 AnimBrushes for Toolmanager-Docks (MagicWB-Style)
  ArcsPack-14.lha     pix/icon    701K  Professional Workbench/MUI Patterns & Backdrops, Vol. 14
  ArcsPack-15-Lt.lha  pix/icon    1.9M  ArcsPack-15 *LITE* version. Workbench/MUI System Enhancer!
  ArcsPack-16.lha     pix/icon    1.7M  Awesome Workbench/MUI System Enhancement Package, Vol 16!
  ArcsPack-17.lha     pix/icon    1.6M  Workbench/MUI System Enhancement Package, Vol 17!
  danm_futureMUI.lha  pix/icon    331K  MUI buttons and pat's. New arrowimages!
  DockBrushes.lha     pix/icon     66K  Fifty 16 color icons, eg. for ToolManager
  DockIcons.lha       pix/icon     43K  8-color brushes for use with toolmanager (prefs and programs)
  DockImages.lha      pix/icon     50K  Imagery for ToolManager docks
  FI-set_Miami.lha    pix/icon     21K  FreshIcons-set for Miami
  FI-set_MUI.lha      pix/icon     28K  FreshIcons-set for MUI V1.1
  GM_DockIcons1.lha   pix/icon    157K  GuRUMEd Net Icons for ToolManager Dock
  GM_DockIcons2.lha   pix/icon     87K  GuRUMEd Net Icons for ToolManager Dock Vol.2
  GM_DockIcons3.lha   pix/icon    211K  GuRUMEd Net Icons for ToolManager Dock Vol.3
  GM_DockIcons4.lha   pix/icon    294K  GuRUMEd Net Icons for ToolManager Dock Vol.4
  GR_MUI_Images.lha   pix/icon     67K  New MUI Images/Buttons (Incl. PopXXX)!!
  IBAnim_brsh.lha     pix/icon      1K  Animated IBrowse brush to use with Toolmanager or likewise. 
  Icons.lha           pix/icon      4K  7 neat 8-colour icons (MUI style)
  KTBrushs1.lha       pix/icon     15K  Internet related & general ToolManager/MagicWB brushs
  LIcons-1.lha        pix/icon     34K  MWB-styled Toolmanagericons
  MGWB_MUI_Brush.lha  pix/icon     42K  MUI Brushes & DockIcons
  MiamiIcons.lha      pix/icon      4K  Icons for Miami in standard WB format.
  MiamiLineIcons.lha  pix/icon      8K  Cool set of Offline/Online Miami NIcons
  MUI-GVN.lha         pix/icon     13K  MUI brushes/preset by GVN
  MUI3DCycle.lha      pix/icon      2K  *NICE* 3D cycle gadget for MUI
  MUI_MWB_Icons.lha   pix/icon    963K  Icons with MUI-MWB-NewIcon Style (German only)
  MUI_Xyon-IM.lha     pix/icon      6K  MUI gadgets & Buttons FULL XEN.
  NewMUIButtons.lha   pix/icon      3K  Replacements for checkmarks and radio buttons in MUI. Looks better.
  RynoDocks.lha       pix/icon     88K  A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes
  RynoDocks2.lha      pix/icon    109K  A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes
  RynoDocks3.lha      pix/icon    253K  A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes
  RynoDocks4.lha      pix/icon    103K  A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes
  SMG_PopXXX.lha      pix/icon     20K  XEN-Gradient Style MUI PopXXX Buttons 
  Template.lha        pix/icon     47K  Toolmanager Newicon Template And More.
  Tm2Icons.lha        pix/icon     14K  8-colour Icons for ToolManager2
  tmab1.lha           pix/icon    177K  A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes
  ZipperDocks.lha     pix/icon     30K  A few ToolManager Docks 
  ZT_DockBrushes.lha  pix/icon    1.0M  True color dock brushes for ToolManager 3 (V1.5)
  IluvMUI.lha         pix/illu    248K  Set of MUI v Gadtools pics
  mui_virus.jpg       pix/illu     15K  The first pictures of the dread MOOEY virus
  Miami.jpg           pix/map     206K  City: Miami, Florida, U.S.A. original scal
  WCPappgfx.lha       pix/misc     50K  Gfx replacements for YAM, IB, and MUI
  hofiDI249.lha       pix/mwb     336K  249 icons for the ToolManager (MagicWB-palette)
  imagery.lha         pix/mwb     233K  The Imagery, Set of gfx to MWB, Toolmanager
  MagicDiskIcons.lha  pix/mwb     119K  MagicWB icons and some dock icons for Toolmanager
  MagicExpansion.lha  pix/mwb     274K  Expansions for MUI and MagicWB.
  MagicMenu2MUI.lha   pix/mwb       4K  Magic Menu 2 style images for MUI.
  MgExpansion141.lha  pix/mwb     205K  Expansions for MUI+MWB (w/out char sets)
  MiamiMWBIcons.lha   pix/mwb      33K  MWB icons and dock for Miami! (v1.2)
  MUI-MWB_Icons.lha   pix/mwb     715K  MWB-Icons im MUI Style
  MWB_DOpus8c.lha     pix/mwb     370K  Opus5.5/ToolManager small 2-frame icons
  prepad-Diavolo.lha  pix/mwb      12K  Diavolo Backup style for MUI.
  SmallBench11.lha    pix/mwb     243K  MWB icons & MUI images for non-laced WBench
  WBprefs.lha         pix/mwb     307K  I love MUI II...this is how to look like pix/wb/IloveMUI2.lha
  wms_brushes.lha     pix/mwb     253K  MWB 8-Color Brushes for Toolmanager-Docks
  AESicons10.lha      pix/nicon   174K  160 NewIcons! CrossMac, AHI, Miami, more!
  FabiusNIDocs.lha    pix/nicon    96K  New Icons docs for ToolManager or Dopus5x
  ni4dock.lha         pix/nicon   214K  Newicons for toolmanager docks
  IloveMUI2.lha       pix/wb       84K  I love MUI II...if you like this pic get WBprefs.lha
  MUIWB-pic.lha       pix/wb       52K  I love's me wb to prove it:)
  TrekkieAnnounc.lha  pix/wb      102K  TrekkieMUI screenshot - Beta testers???
  WB2NickTNF.lha      pix/wb       83K  My 64 colors Workbench screenshot (NewIcons, ToolManager, StartMenu2)
  MUIFontCatalog.lha  text/dtp     17K  PGS3 arexx script - view all fonts
  MUIOverView.lha     text/dtp     14K  PGS3 arexx script - generate an overview of chapters
  MUIPicCatalog.lha   text/dtp     19K  PGS3 arexx script - view all pics in directory
  MUItxtRotator.lha   text/dtp     14K  PGS3 arexx script - place text around an ellipse
  Geditor.lha         text/edit    52K  A simple a text editor using MUI (v1.0)
  GedScanner.lha      text/edit     2K  GoldED scanner: Adocs (MUI Adoc compatible), Header files
  htmledit98.lha      text/edit    15K  HTML Editor 4 Amiga+MUI
  InSpace10.lha       text/edit    28K  Inserts spaces in text file V1.0 (MUI)
  miami20gfr.lha      text/edit    20K  French catalog for Miami V2.0g
  muispell.lha        text/edit    65K  MUI for AlphaSpell with sourcecode (Dirk Holtwick)
  ToolManagerPL.lha   text/edit     4K  ToolManager 3 - PL ver. by WFMH LocalePL
  HTML2Guide.lha      text/hyper   39K  HTML to AmigaGuide convertor
  HTMLEdit.lha        text/hyper   61K  HTML editor v 1.31. uses MUI.
  moreHTML.lha        text/hyper  159K  HTML Offline Browser with Sourcecode (MUI)
  WebMaker1_1.lha     text/hyper  299K  HTML Pages Maker (using MUI3.1+ and OS3.0+)
  MartinsReader.lha   text/misc    16K  AutoDoc Reader with MUI3.1+ (Dirk Holtwick)
  micronote.lha       text/misc    19K  Little Notepad. MUI. V1.0
  sexpand.lha         text/misc    21K  V1.00 of my Tabs-]Space Converter (MUI)
  Updater.lha         text/misc   201K  MUI translation-files modifier
  CassLabelMUI.lha    text/print   79K  Multimedia Cover Programm (needs MUI)
  FujitsuDL40.lha     text/print   23K  Fujitsu DL1100 prefs editor. Needs MUI.
  LabelDes1_2.lha     text/print  144K  Label Designer V1.2 (OS 2.1 & MUI)
  MUILabeler.lha      text/print   19K  Prints labels!  Requires MUI.
  MUIPsPrt.lha        text/print   17K  A GUI interface for the PsPrt handler V1.5 (MUI3)
  DTC-MM11.lha        text/show    47K  MUIMore: Text Viewer with lot of features
  MegaZack02.lha      text/show    10K  MUI ASCII-Textviewer
  MJ-More.lha         text/show    11K  MUI based ascii text viewer
  MUIMore110_Loc.lha  text/show    97K  MUIMore translations (cats&guides) + .cd file + infos future
  pch056.lha          text/show    26K  MUI-Textviewer V0.56
  VPI.lha             text/show    35K  Product-Info files viewer with MUI.
  Peperoni.lha        util/app     86K  AppIcon frontend for LHA/LZX/ZIP, V1.5e, needs MUI
  Archiver.lha        util/arc    219K  A very good MUIGui for Lha, Lzx...etc.V2.3.14
  BurnGUI.lha         util/arc     77K  *FREE* MUI GUI for LHA, LZX, ZIP, DMS, UUxT
  dmsgui18.lha        util/arc     56K  FREE *Fast* non-MUI GUI for DMS (bug fixed).
  DMS_MUI.lha         util/arc     29K  Version 2.0 of this MUI GUI for DMS
  Knack116.lha        util/arc    156K  MUI-GUI for Cruncher and PGP
  MUI_Archiwizer.lha  util/arc     79K  The MUI multi form (de)archiver.
  ShortQtv14.lha      util/arc     58K  V1.4 of *THE* MUI-GUI for DMS
  joytest.lha         util/batch    6K  Joystick test. (requires MUI and lowlevel.library)
  ASwarmII2_0.lha     util/blank   82K  Screen blanker for OS 2.04+ requires MUI
  BlitzBlank260.lha   util/blank  641K  The ultimate screen blanker! (MUI)
  ArcAndMore.lha      util/boot     3K  More and Arc ARexx scripts for ToolManager.
  PlaySound.lha       util/boot     9K  Arexx script for ToolManager. Need MagicFileRequester and UPD
  TM2Ascii.lha        util/boot    27K  Converts ToolManager configfiles to an ASCII representation and back.
  tm_tools.lha        util/boot     6K  some tiny utilities for ToolManager 2.0
  ToolMng21_DK.lha    util/boot     6K  Danish catalog for ToolManager v2.1
  UnLha.lha           util/boot    10K  ToolManager2.0 Script file. Simple but useful
  ZFRQ10.lha          util/boot   100K  Filerequester using MUI
  CxBar.lha           util/cdity   82K  A 1-line/row virtgrp ExchangeClone(MUI)
  ExChangeV200.lha    util/cdity   47K  Replacement for Commodore's Exchange, V2.00 requires MUI 2.3
  mcxp335.lha         util/cdity   83K  MUI Preferences for MultiCX
  mcxp337.lha         util/cdity   83K  MUI Preferences for MultiCX
  MRQ.lha             util/cdity   79K  The MUI requester improver
  MUIMousoM313.lha    util/cdity   83K  Meassures mouse movement. MUI2.2
  muioff10.lha        util/cdity    6K  Automatically cancel MUI requesters
  PrlMixerMUI10.lha   util/cdity   25K  PrlMixerMUI V1.0 Mixer for the Prelude soundcard.
  TippoMeter12.lha    util/cdity   61K  Analyzes keyboard activities. MUI2.3
  aman-1.15.lha       util/cli     82K  MrMan-like manual browser (needs FDB & MUI)
  MUIRequest.lha      util/cli      9K  An MUI replacement for RequestChoice
  ShowIconMUI13.lha   util/cli      5K  An icon viewer (MUI 3.0)
  MuiMegaNum.lha      util/conv    10K  Convert base10 [-] base36 (called meganum) with MUI-GUI.
  MUICode.lha         util/crypt   16K  Code/Decode ASCII files using Vig n re Grid coding method
  pgpgoesmui.lha      util/crypt   49K  MUI based GUI for PGP
  PGPgoesMUI104.lha   util/crypt   37K  GUI for PGP(tm)
  PGPgoesMUI20.lha    util/crypt   51K  MUI based GUI for PGP
  DzDir.lha           util/dir    322K  Directory utility that uses MUI
  EasyFind.lha        util/dir     89K  FileFinder deluxe V2.0 - MUI
  RO_v125.lha         util/dir    338K  MUI-Based FileManager
  RO_v126.lha         util/dir    338K  MUI-Based FileManager
  akMUIPrefs.lha      util/dtype   35K  MUI replacements for akXXXPrefs
  WinGnuPlot22.lha    util/gnu    364K  GnuPlot 3.5 with MUI support
  MUI-ASL.lha         util/libs   115K  MUI-ASL 40.6 (replaces 42.4) (68020+ OS3 MUI3.8+)
  MUI-ASL_turkce.lha  util/libs     2K  MUI-ASL Turkish Catalog
  mui36loc.lha        util/libs   108K  13! translations for MUI 3.6 (7th edition)
  mui38pl.lha         util/libs     8K  MUI 3.8 - PL version by WFMH LocalePL (update)
  mui38usr.lha        util/libs   1.0M  MagicUserInterface 3.8, user files
  Adagisv41_bin.lha   util/misc    88K  V4.1 of MUI-based fortune-cookie prog
  aminetidx.lha       util/misc    13K  Show & search into Aminet INDEX files. V1.0 (MUI)
  bprefs.lha          util/misc    41K  MUI Preference program for Birdie [1.28]
  crc32.lha           util/misc    22K  V1.00 of my 32 Bit CRC Calculator (MUI)
  DoomGATE08r3.lha    util/misc    75K  DoomGATE 0.8r3beta. Doom Manager, MUIRexx.
  EditUsers.lha       util/misc    30K  MUI User/Group editor for MultiUser
  Findit1_2.lha       util/misc    12K  MUI-Based disk search utility
  GerCatBMM.lha       util/misc    19K  German Catalog for BackmanMui
  ICookie_MUI.lha     util/misc   172K  MUI fortune cookie program
  IFFMaster16.lha     util/misc   139K  Show IFF struct & chunk contents. MUI Application.
  INetKosten.lha      util/misc     8K  Keep track of your phonecosts (German, MUI3)
  IntuiCookie.lha     util/misc   156K  Fortune Cookie program (MUI)
  LazyReadme.lha      util/misc    14K  Easy .readmes with MUI version 1.0
  loan.lha            util/misc    27K  Calculates Compound-interest loans (MUI)
  Misc.lha            util/misc    63K  V1.11 Note&log program, MUI. CircleSoft
  MonSpecsMUI.lha     util/misc    66K  Change monitor values, 40.375
  MuiEnv1_6.lha       util/misc    22K  Edit, save, load, delete ENV: vars, uses MUI
  MUIResi10.lha       util/misc    11K  MUI-App, Transl. for resistor col codes.
  patchgui.lha        util/misc    16K  MUI GUI for spatch,scompare,... by Aris Basic
  PhoneClock.lha      util/misc     9K  Show phone costs (MUI3, German)
  PhoneClock_v02.lha  util/misc    10K  Show phone costs (MUI3, German), now with ARexx-interface
  PocketCalc.lha      util/misc    18K  Simple calculator proggy (uses MUI)
  pw_recen.lha        util/misc    35K  3.10 : INDEX -] Text/Guide/HTML (MUI)
  PW_Recent.lha       util/misc    54K  4.00 : INDEX -] Text/Guide/HTML/DBase (MUI)
  SCSIPrefsMUI.lha    util/misc    13K  Configures A3000/A3000T SCSI Controller
  Tottogol2.lha       util/misc    36K  V2.2-Italian prog for Totogol-Needs MUI
  Tottogol2PPC.lha    util/misc    39K  V2.2-Italian prog for Totogol-Needs MUI
  UCT1_1.lha          util/misc    70K  MUI Editor for locale catalog files.
  vmmstat.lha         util/misc    27K  Show statistics on VMM (MUI)
  Volume10.lha        util/misc    21K  Change system volume. V1.00 (MUI)
  VorwahlenGui.lha    util/misc   114K  Vorwahlen D-Land und Welt (Mui Gui)
  XingPlayMUI.lha     util/misc    11K  M.U.I GUI for Xing Play
  Asp.lha             util/moni   113K  Amiga Scan Program version 1.21 (correct version) required MUI
  Scout.lha           util/moni   354K  System monitor (MUI & AmiTCP optional) (V2.10)
  artic1_7.lha        util/pack   102K  Stacker-like,FASTER,can use XPK and MUI
  InfoWin10.lha       util/rexx     9K  MUI Scroller views text messages from ARexx
  MiamiOnOff.lha      util/rexx    14K  MIAMI Online/Offline from CLI/WB 2.0
  savetime.lha        util/rexx     3K  Miami script to save the ntp time - 1.3
  format171.lha       util/sys     18K  Format replacement using MUI
  MegaFormat02.lha    util/sys     10K  MUI frontend for the format command
  muProtector.lha     util/sys      8K  MUIfied SetOwner/MProtect command for muFS
  AFiloFaxPro28.lha   util/time   194K  Manages your daily life! (MUI/German)
  Daywatch.lha        util/time   146K  Powerful MUI calendar & reminder.
  GCBPlaner400.lha    util/time   354K  The flexible diary with Toolmanager
  Mayland.lha         util/time   114K  A very powerful Calender & Reminder program!
  MonkeyClock.lha     util/time    27K  Higly customizable MUI+WB clock (+font)
  taxSched12.lha      util/time    78K  Schedulemanager for your Amiga. Uses MUI. v1.2
  4Col-DockBrush.lha  util/wb      36K  ToolManager/AmiDock icons
  8Col-DockBrush.lha  util/wb      42K  ToolManager/AmiDock icons
  AMFv04.lha          util/wb     123K  MUI File Manager v. 0.4 (2nd alpha release)
  AmiToolBar.lha      util/wb      13K  A very nice WB command center (needs MUI)
  AnimBrushes.lha     util/wb      12K  8 AnimBrushes for ToolManager
  AppTool.lha         util/wb      13K  "Toolmanager"-like program, v1.2
  archiver.lha        util/wb      13K  Archiver Script f r ToolManager
  BarNone.lha         util/wb     371K  The ultimate controller for your Ami (MUI)
  CA36.lha            util/wb     254K  ClassAction 3.6 (MUI && GT)
  Deft_II_v16.lha     util/wb      90K  Tool to change icon default tools (MUI)
  DockNet15.lha       util/wb       3K  Mui Dock to launch apps
  FinderV3.lha        util/wb      55K  Fast, simple MUI File Finder
  getsiz13.lha        util/wb       8K  Gets size of Dirs and Files (w. Toolmanager)
  IDerPrefs.lha       util/wb     129K  MUI Config File Editor for IDer (2.0)
  MatWBMUI.lha        util/wb      13K  MatWB MUI Configuration for MatWB 3.0! Buttons included!
  MaxMenu.lha         util/wb      73K  MaxMenu V1.51 - ToolManager like startbar
  MBE_10.lha          util/wb      39K  MUI-Brush Expander.
  memdiff.lha         util/wb       6K  Shows memory usage of programs (MUI)
  MF3-FaxDesk.lha     util/wb      25K  The best MultifaxDesk needs MUI!
  MF4-FaxDesk.lha     util/wb      25K  The best MultifaxDesk needs MUI!
  MinBar121.lha       util/wb     115K  WorkBench Tool Launcher (Needs MUI 3.1++ for preferences)
  MOC128.lha          util/wb       7K  MOC - MUI Online Clock V 1.28
  MUI-IControl.lha    util/wb      45K  IControl prefeditor with extra features
  MUIGadgets1.0.lha   util/wb       9K  A few 8pt XEN-style gadgets for MUI
  MuiIconType.lha     util/wb       9K  Change icons type - Uses MUI
  MUIJoin10.lha       util/wb      21K  Join and split files with MUI interface.
  MUILoad10.lha       util/wb       3K  MUILoad 1.0 - Preloads MUI libraries at bootup.
  MUImem.lha          util/wb       9K  Shows how much memory is available (uses MUI)
  MUIMenu.lha         util/wb      29K  Execs Programs Via Menu (needs MUI2.0)
  MuiReIcon223.lha    util/wb      68K  Program for comfortable changing Icon-Values
  muireplace.lha      util/wb      10K  Replace strings in files - optional GUI! 
  MUIScrMode1_5.lha   util/wb      59K  MUI ScreenMode prefs clone.Supports HAM !
  muispeak.lha        util/wb      52K  MuiSpeak V 0.04 - Speechtoy clone
  MUITime.lha         util/wb      18K  Replacement for the original Time prefs
  MUIWBPattern.lha    util/wb      45K  V1.2-Selects random Workbench backgrounds
  MUIWBPatternFr.lha  util/wb      29K  V1.1 - Prefs pour des fonds WB al atoire.
  MUI_Calc125.lha     util/wb      25K  A versatile RPN calculator, req. MUI 2.0
  MUI_IconUpd12.lha   util/wb      26K  Replacement for IconUpdate, req. MUI 2.0
  MWBMUIBt.lha        util/wb      10K  *** MatWB MUI Buttons for MatWB ***
  ObtainPens.lha      util/wb      11K  A better MWB-Color-Daemon (e.g. for NewIcons / MUI)
  ProzMUI.lha         util/wb      21K  ProZ MUI Preference File V1.1
  RepIconII.lha       util/wb      13K  Replaces icon-images, uses MUI now
  TM30_PopMCCs.lha    util/wb      28K  Pop*.mcc update for Toolmanager 3.0
  ToolManagerBin.lha  util/wb      91K  ToolManager - binaries (V3.1)
  ToolManagerDev.lha  util/wb      12K  ToolManager - developer infos (V3.1)
  ToolManagerExt.lha  util/wb      19K  ToolManager - additional files (V3.1)
  ToolManagerLoc.lha  util/wb     420K  ToolManager - localization (V3.1 Rel #2)
  ToolManagerSrc.lha  util/wb     183K  ToolManager - source codes (V3.1)
  ToolMan_srpski.lha  util/wb      72K  Serbian locale files for ToolManager 3.0
  ToolMan_TUR.lha     util/wb       3K  Turkish localization for ToolManager V3.0
  ViewerPrefs.lha     util/wb     105K  Viewers Preferences v1.3a (MUI)
  wbinfo21.lha        util/wb      25K  MUI-Replacement for the WB Information Window (w. Scalos Support)

These were 679 entries with a total size of 116.3M.

Copyright 1998, SASG HomeHelpFeedbackOrderAbout Updated: 22-Aug-98